



June 2023

Photo: Microsoft AI: Tent in Rain

Depending on the region that you choose for your next camping trip, you will find that we are fortunate to have lovely year-round camping weather here in South Africa.

During the winter months most campers head to the Northern regions or East Coast of the country where temperatures are moderate and pleasant; here the days are still warm and the evenings just a little bit cooler than normal.

That said, most campers are not too fussy about weather conditions and will grab every opportunity to go camping. Come rain or shine, they will camp. There are many campers that do not mind the freezing temperatures of the Central regions such as Gauteng, Free State, and the Northern Cape areas.

Winter camping does require a little more planning and preparation than summer camping, as you will face colder temperatures and shorter days, especially if your destination is in the colder regions of the country.

Some of the benefits of winter camping includes less crowded campsites, more wildlife sightings, and stunning scenery; exactly what we encountered at a recent camping trip to the Eastern Free State. Read our review on Meringskloof Nature Park.

Here are a few suggestions when you are planning your winter camping trip.

Dress appropriately.

Layering is one of the best ways to keep warm, but it all depends on the weather conditions and your own preferences.

If you venture out during the day, wear a long sleeve t-shirt and something for your legs such as thermal underwear as a first layer of clothing. Then on top of that your normal day wear, all of this should be sufficient to keep you warm.

If you are not really into layering a shirt with warm jacket, sweatpants or trousers should be more than sufficient in most cases.

A lot of heat escape through our feet and head so wear a beanie and nice thick socks. If you are planning to do a bit of hiking, proper footwear will also make a difference during a chilly day.

Although the nights can get cold, a pair of nice winter pyjamas should be sufficient to keep you warm and cosy.

Choose the right tent.

If you are planning to camp for longer periods of time or even just an extended weekend, make sure that you take the right tent. I prefer something with a little bit more space where you can fit a chair or even a small table.

If it gets dark early and you are camping in a very cold area, you can always enjoy the longer evenings inside the tent reading a book or playing cards. You do not want to be stuck in a small tent not being able to move around or venture out in the cold just to make yourself a nice cup of coffee.

Unlike the Northern parts of the country the Central and Southern Regions of South Africa do get very cold in the evenings. It is therefore important to have a proper size tent where you can spend a comfortable evening.

Choose the right campsite.

If you are going to camp at campsites where there are possibilities of snow you need to take this into consideration when you are planning your camping trip. We are all mesmerised when it starts snowing; but keep an eye on the weather forecasts, and do not go camping if you are not sure that you are prepared for snow conditions.

On a recent trip we camped in a kloof. And those of you that have done kloof camping before will know that these areas are like rain forests after the summer; your clothing and sleeping bag can get quit damp. In these situations it is important to pitch your tent out in the sun and not under any trees or in shaded areas so that everything can stay dry and free from any moist.

Some of the coastal regions of South-Africa can get rainy and windy in the winter so make sure that you take your storm nets and other anchor equipment when you are planning to camp at the seaside. You do not want your tent to be blown away in storm conditions putting other people’s lives in danger.

Sleeping Arrangements

Always make sure that you are sleeping warm. Having a chilly night and not getting much sleep is going to spoil your camping trip. There is no reason not to sleep warm when camping.

Choose the right sleeping bag; something with down feathers if possible. You do not need a sleeping bag rated for arctic temperatures unless you are going to camp in severe snow conditions. These bags are too warm for normal South African winter conditions. Choose something that is not thicker than your winter duvet. In an upcoming article we will look at what to consider when choosing the right sleeping bag.

If you are sleeping on a stretcher with a mattress, you can use some nice winter fitted sheets and your winter duvet. It is not always necessary to go and buy expensive sleeping bags when you already have everything available at home.

Avoid sleeping on the ground. Always make sure that there is some form of insulation between you and the ground such as an inflatable mattress or stretcher. If you sleep directly on the ground, vapour or moisture will form between your body and the sleeping bag; your sleeping bag will not be able to breath properly and damp will form at the bottom.

Always use a groundsheet for your tent, especially if you are camping in smaller hiking tents. Most of these tents are prone to trapping moisture on the inside. You will be surprised how much moisture is generated between your body and the ground if there is no proper insulation.

Inflatable mattresses should provide sufficient insulation. Even if it is just one of the thinner self-inflatable mattresses, those will also work to trap some of the heat generated by your body. I prefer a stretcher with a foldable mattress and my sleeping bag. I take an extra blanket just to put on top of the sleeping bag if it really gets cold.

Glamp up your sleeping arrangements with a nice hot water bottle. When I go camping in the winter my hot water bottle always travels with me. Warm up the bottle, put it inside your sleeping bag, and by the time you go to bed everything is warm and comfortable.

Create a warm environment.

If possible, take a small portable heater just to warm the tent if you are camping in one of the colder regions.

Be careful of gas heaters inside tents. If you are using a small portable gas heater always store it outside before you go to bed. And never use it inside a tent without making sure that there is good ventilation.

Put a carpet inside your tent. I have a small carpet made of woven wool that I bought in Clarence years ago and I never go camping without it. That is my glamping. The carpet not only makes the inside of the tent so much more cosier, but also prevent the heat from escaping inside the tent; it also provides a little more insulation from the ground. It is far nicer to walk barefoot on a nice carpet than on a cold ground sheet.

Prepare for longer evenings.

In the winter it gets darker earlier and if you are camping in the colder regions, you cannot always sit around the fire until late at night. Prepare for these longer evenings. Make sure that you have sufficient lighting for the evening and take loadshedding schedules into considerations.

Plan your activities for the evenings. If you are like me, I prefer to eat after 19:00 in the evenings. I usually light the fire only at around 17:00 when it starts to get dark. It is usually not that cold and gives me opportunity to still enjoy some time around the fire; that is after all what camping is all about.

After dinner I usually take a shower and retreat to my tent for a bit of reading. During this time, I usually have a nice cup or two of hot chocolate just to end the evening and make sure that I do not go to bed without having something warm in my stomach.

Families may eat a bit earlier and spend the rest of the evening playing card games. The important thing when doing winter camping is to make sure that in the evenings you always have something to look forward to.

Comfort Food

If there is one time that comfort food is important, it is during winter camping. Forget the diet and everything that goes with it and focus on comfort food.

You want to make sure that your menu is packed with food that is going to keep your stomach full and your heart warm and happy.

I enjoy curries and potjies in the winter as well as a delicious Asian pasta, noodles with strips of beef and lots of soy sauce, peppers, garlic, and chillies.

And don't forget the desert. You cannot end a lovely camping meal without a desert, even if it is just marshmallows that you roast on the fire.


Winter camping is one of those times of the year that afford us the opportunity to enjoy and experience another side of nature's splendours. A time of the year with less crowded campsites and more wildlife sightings; and if you are properly prepared, you will find that it is one of the best times of the year to go camping.

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