Natural Instincts Platinum Heavy Duty Stretcher October 2023: Stretchers have improved significantly over the years since the very first flimsy ones that only lasted one evening, if you were lucky. They have become more sturdy, durable.
Chris' Beer Flavoured Pot Bread July 2023: My dad made this lovely bread on our last camping trip. It is easy to make. Bake it the Saturday evening and leave a few slices for the next morning with your breakfast.
A Splendid Weekend at Roratau July 2023: Roratau is a well-kept bushveldcamp situated approximately 30km from Pretoria in the Leeuwgedacht Conservancy area. The conservancy is adjacent to Dinokeng Nature Reserve.
Pap Cape Pangolin Style July 2023: I have been making this recipe for more that twenty years now and it is still one of my favourites. It is easy to make, and gives the pap a lovely new twist and flavour.
Old School Camping with the CADAC Handi Lamp June 2023: Despite all the newer technology on the market I still love my old school CADAC Lamp. Every time I light it up, I cannot help but get that feeling that I am finally camping.
Come Rain or Shine, They Will Camp June 2023: Winter camping is one of those times of the year that afford us the opportunity to enjoy and experience another side of nature's splendours. Just a wonderful time of the year.
General Safety Guidelines when Travelling and Camping June 2023: South Africa is not a safe country. It has one of the highest crime rates in the world. When travelling for holiday or camping it is important to make safety a priority.
Skilpad Potjie with Sour Cream June 2023: Skilpadjies - The dish is lamb's liver wrapped in netvet. Skilpadjies are moslty fried in a pan or grilled on an open fire. This time I decided to prepare a potjie.
Meringskloof Nature Park May 2023: If you want to spend a few days hiking and camping, then Meringskloof Nature Park is a great option. It is kloof camping at its best. With lots of glorious hiking trails and friendly staff.
Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce May 2023: Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce.. My dad made it on our camping trip to Marakele National Park and since then it finds its way onto the menu everytime we go camping.
I am a Responsible Camper! May 2023: We need to conduct our camping activities in such a way that everyone experiences an enjoyable camping trip while any environmental impact is kept to a minimum.
Plan for Emergencies! May 2023: When camping, it is important to be prepared for most minor medical emergencies that may arise. A well-stocked first aid kit is an essential part of any camping trip.
Tips for First Time Campers April 2023: Camping in a tent is one of the most popular and enjoyable ways to explore the outdoors. Here are a few basic things to consider when you are planning your fist camping trip.
Tentco Senior Bow Deluxe April 2023: If you are looking for a spacious, durable, and comfortable canvas tent for your next camping adventure, you may want to consider the Tentco Senior Bow Deluxe Tent.
Don't forget Brutus! April 2023: Part of planning your camping trip is creating a checklist. This way you will ensure that you don't forget any items. This will make your trip so much more enjoyable.
Zebra Bush Camp March 2023: Zebra Bush Camp is one of the many privately owned camps inside Dinokeng Game Reserve. It is an excellent choice if you just want to spend a few undisturbed, relaxed days in the bush.
Monkey Business March 2023: Monkeys and baboons play an integral part in keeping the ecosystem going. Without them there will be fewer forests and wildflowers, large parts of the ecosystem will simply collapse.
Scottburgh Caravan Park January 2023: Scottburgh Caravan Park provides for a wonderful camping experience on the South Coast. There are lots of great stands that you can choose from close to shops and restaurants.